I think, therefore I am fit.
You can be a Bubba or a Thinker.
Bubba - Are you being mocked?
Eating and movement for fitness is your #1 job. If you are not thinking about these things - who is doing the thinking?
Are your actions the reactions to experiments being done on you or you optimizing thru self-experiments?
Take the Bubba - Thinker Quiz to understand ways you are being Bubba’d every day.
3 Ways FitThinker Can Benefit You
FitThinker will help you see the world differently.
FitThinker is a Toolbox for ways to change your future.
FitThinker is an investment in yourself - Investing time on thinking to return years of fitness.
I went on an unexpected journey, cutting weight, changing diet, and adding movement. I have achieved a level of fitness I had not seen in twenty years and did not expect to have again. I was overweight. I was happy-ish. I was unaware that I had been Bubba’d by many companies. I felt a big belly and increasing health issues were normal. A belly is normal for men in my family. My dad and uncles had bellies. Being a big guy felt like a good thing. Big is the status of most men in America. It took a journey for me to change and see the world differently.
My journey to fitness started by seeing a thing that I had seen 100,000 times before in a new way.
Demise Falls - Delay Your Arrival
Good News - Instead of talking about things, men fix things. When a man has a problem he starts trying to figure it out. He gathers the tools needed, fixes it, and moves on to the next thing to be fixed. Most men fail to fix their fitness, but the ones that do make changes, maintain them.
Think of your health as a one-man boat slowly drifting downriver towards a waterfall called Demise Falls. Not every boat reaches Demise Falls decades from now in old age. Some sink early. Accidents destroy others. The ways to slow the drift of time are to stay watertight, eat good fuel, and paddle (move). If your boat leaks, your fuel is contaminated, or oars are broken - you know what to do. Fix them.
FitThinker can be one of your tool bags and I will point you to others. Fit Thinker is about ways to achieve the best basics to move a man’s fitness from the 3, 4 or 5 range to an 8, nearly 9. Once you are an 8 you can maintain there or consider the extra efforts needed to be fast as a speed boat or strong as a tugboat. An 8 is good. An 8 is not a dad bod, it is a feel good at the pool bod - and at the Doctor’s office.
I did not use all of the tools on FitThinker to get fit. I was a successful n = 1 experiment. Your journey will be different than mine. You are starting at a different place. You will not use all of the tools on FitThinker. Open the bag. Pick up and examine each piece of content. Apply it now, or save it for later. Use the right tool at the right time to maintain progress on your fitness journey.
The best investment a man can make is in taking care of himself. A man strong in body and mind can provide for others and avoid being a burden to their loved ones. Hours invested in Fit Thinking might give you a few tools that add healthy years to your life. My fitness journey started when I thought hard about something that had been part of my life since I was a child. I had been brainwashed for about 45 years.
(Tool - Change Habit Patterns by changing when you think from the post-hoc rationalization that is our norm, to pre-action control of feelings. Either way, feelings control actions.
Bubba: Feel-> Action-> Think of Rationalizations for Actions
Thinker: Think of Desired Outcomes-> Feel-> Action
Changing the way I THINK changed the way I FEEL, which changed my ACTIONS. I thought hard about soda. I now think soda is slow-acting, addictive poison water. I feel that soda is a threat to the bodies and minds of Americans, therefore I dump it. Dumping soda is part of an experimental approach to fitness. The experiments are to learn what works best for you (n=1). Don’t drink sweet shit is the first of three “don’t do stupid shit” experiments I did for better fitness.
“Soda - smart to sell, dumb to drink.”
or do you prefer
“Selling Soda is Smart, Drinking Soda is Dumb.”
-Patches Foran, Fit Thinker
(Tool - When you select special days to start new chapters in the story of your life, it increases success. If you are going to dump soda, snuff out cigarettes, or exterminate your internal cookie monster - pick a day ahead of time that has meaning to you - your birthday, the birthday of a loved one, the 4th of July, a religious day, even the obvious, New Years, or the start of a new life phase - job, school, home, or city.)
“I say the 8th of May is the best Dump Soda Day, but every day is a great one to start a new way of life.”
Deprogram before Dumping
Dump soda out of your life because you are smart, know the high costs, and no longer want to support companies that profit by harming Americans.
While every day is a great day to dump soda, May 8th is Coca-Cola’s Birthday. 135 years of ruining our health with obesity, dementia, and ED, is enough.
(Tool: Make future fuzzy negatives into immediate things that disgust you - disgust is powerful - you will not eat, drink or support things that disgust you.)
If dumping sweet drinks was easy, no thinking person would drink them.
I was hooked on soda and sweet drinks from when I was a child until I was 50 years old. I loved soda. Soda did not love me. Sweet drinks and crap food were killing me. Sadly, this is normal. I see obese people wearing Coca-Cola T-shirts. I see people who look winded by pushing a grocery cart full of soda and unhealthy food. Soda drinkers want happiness - instead, they get illness after illness and cascading problems.
Sweet drinks have drenched America and Americans are swollen. To see the flood clearly we need to rise up, look down, and observe. We need to think about the incentives that propel the production, distribution, and consumption of the flood of sweet drinks. We need to understand how it is one of the causes of our illness tidal wave. Have you wondered:
Would the Coca-Cola Corporation poison a child for $900 in profit?
How “Natural” are sweet drinks?
After lying for 50 years about sugar’s harm, do you think soda companies will be truthful about the harm caused by other sweeteners?
To be ready physically and mentally ready for your Dump Soda Day and Dumping Ceremony, it is good to prepare. Sign up for the Fit Thinker’s free emails to help you on your journey.
I am also creating a Countdown Course that will flip your mental switch on sweet drinks from LOVE to HATE. Sucking on a soda will be beneath you, a violation of your personals code.
“To drink a soda - is to be outsmarted.”
— Patches Foran, Fit THinkerf
When I see a person drinking a soda, sweet tea, or “energy” drink, I think “That’s dumb.” I am an expert on doing dumb shit as I was a soda drinker for 45 years.
Suckers for sweetness are not dumb. They are doing a dumb thing because they have not given the habit enough thought. They are being out-smarted because they have been out-focused.
Smart people, getting paid big bucks, working for big soda, stores, and restaurants wake up every day trying to figure out ways to increase sales of their most profitable products - soda and other sweet drinks. Sweet drinks are more profitable than other junk food.
A product that costs a nickel to make and can be sold for $1.25 out of a machine, $2.50 at a restaurant, and $5.00 at a ball game, creates a river of cash. The people, who are supposed to be looking out for us, get a cut. Big soda, HFCS producers, and restaurants make contributions to politicians. Big soda makes strategic donations to community leaders. Big soda buys pouring rights at college campuses. Big soda pays for distribution at companies and hospitals. Big soda is a large media advertiser, paying off the news companies that control reporters.
The marketing managers for fast food, processed food, alcohol, soda, and cigarettes have a name for people (over)using their products and making dumb decisions:
Yes, they mock us. They mock Bubba for drinking a sports drink while sitting on a couch watching sports. They mock Bubba for overeating food that was designed to be overeaten. They mock Bubba for falling for the hype, believing the ads, and respecting the opinions of paid celebrity spokespeople.
I was a Bubba. I am now a Thinker.
You can start your countdown to a better future. Be a Bubba or be a Thinker - it is your choice.
Fit Thinker’s Mission
The Mission of Fit Thinker is for American Men to achieve and maintain fit bodies, stout hearts, and alert minds. To enable men to be a source of strength in their community, providers for their family, and free from metabolic illnesses, until they are so damn old that they decide it is time to give their bike to their great-grandson, give their weights to a friend, and drive themselves to hospice care.
“A man got to have a Code.” Omar, The Wire
of real men don’t want dementia.
of real men don’t want ED.
of real men don’t want to be so infirm that they need a nurse to change their diaper.
OK - I made up those stats. But if you are okay with dementia, ED and being too ill to get out of bed to go to the bathroom - keep eating and drinking shit that ruins your health. It is my goal to remain a provider for family, friends, and my community into my 90’s. That will only happen if I take care of myself. Being selfish about fitness will hopefully enable me to keep being a provider. No guarantees - but I am not going to sabotage myself - put holes in the bottom of my own boat.
Join Team Descartes
I cannot take down big soda and its armies of allies and minions by myself. Please help me and help others. We need more Thinkers working together. We can turn the tide and help American Men become almost as healthy and strong as the heroes who built and protected our country.
Sign up for our once-a-week emails below.