Team Ratch Malcats


As I cut sugar and other sweeteners I noticed…

Sweetness has a lot in common with cats.

People love cats. Cats do not love people. Mental scans of cats have proven that cats do not give a cat turd for their “owners.” They are indifferent to the people that feed them, pet them, and pick up their turds. Picking up cat waste has been linked to severe mental disorders. Cat personalities run the range from selfish to pure evil.

People love sugar. Sugar does not love people. You have heard people proclaim things like - “I love chocolate ice cream.” “I love thin mints.” “I love apple pie.”

Brands and the giant companies.png

You might love Oreo cookies, Oreo cookies do not love you. The giant food company Mondelez International that makes Oreos does not love you. The high fructose corn syrup makers do not love you. The marketing brand managers not only do not love you - They want you to overeat. They will miss their financial targets if Oreo customers limit themselves to three cookies with lunch on Saturdays. These brands need heavy users who eat 12 cookies, or 15, or a whole tray - every day.


The big food companies are part of a money ratchet system. The Investors, C-Level Execs, and Knowledge Workers all strive to lower costs, increase revenue, and make a larger profit. These massive food companies make TCU FooLS (Tasty-Cheap-Unhealthy Food Like Substances). “You” might love the taste of some brands. Your body does not. You do not “need” a single brand on that graphic. Coca-Cola’s super-secret recipe for money is that they make zero, zilch, nada, not one damn thing that anyone needs. As people get smarter some of Coke’s $Billions in sales will be replaced by tap water. Not all. Some people, including members of my family, think tap water becomes magically better by being put into a Dasani bottle. That’s effective marketing.

Soda - Smart to Sell, Dumb to Drink

Patches Foran

Levers and Minions

If soda and junk food are so bad for us, why are they for sale everywhere? If you own a business selling soda is smart. It is the most profitable item sold by many restaurants and stores. Without soda, most fast-food restaurants would lose money. I was speaking to a man who opened up a healthy sandwich shop near the University of Florida. He worked his ass off and barely made enough profit to pay himself because the healthy customers did not buy soda. The profit margins of McDonalds, Dominoes, and Taco Bell are not your concern. You know what to say when a soda minion asks - as required by their boss - “Do you want to make it a meal?”

Selling soda is smart business. Drinking soda is a dumb-ass thing to do. Big soda leaders drink water. Do you think that the VPs at Pepsi let their kids have 2 or 3 sodas a day? I doubt it. They know better.


The presence of so many outlets, sponsorships, and decades of ads made it hard for me to realize that my declining health was due to the food I eat and the crap I drank. The Malcat Investors, CEOs and Brand Managers are looking out for themselves and their families, you should do the same.

Defeat the Malcats to win your fitness.