Bubba or Thinker?
Q1 - Do you know the type of oil used in all of the food you buy at the grocery store?
Q2 - If taste and cost are high food priorities, is convenience the 3rd most important factor in getting lunch?
Q3 - How many sweet drinks - soda, sweet tea, juice, sports drink, energy drinks - do you drink per week (include diet drinks)?
Q4 - Do you spend more time online doing - social media, gaming, porn, news, etc - than you would like to, or plan to?
Q5 - In the last year, have you added up and analyzed your daily sugar consumption in grams?
Q6 - List all drinks that are natural for humans and other mammals?
Q7 - In the last six months, have you done a full day of fasting from food or a full day without technology?
Answers, and more questions:
Q1 - The small print matters. Thinkers read ingredient labels and understand the purpose and potential dangers of each ingredient. Do you know what you are eating?
Q2 - A trick question. Tastes are designed (fake). Full food costs are hidden and long-term. #1 for Thinkers is nutrition - how to make nutritious food tasty, low-cost, and convenient is follow up. What is the full cost of eating a package of Oreos?
Q3 - The dose makes the poison. The more sweet drinks you have the more Bubba’d you are. Sweet drinks damage our bodies and ruin our ability to taste the subtle sweetness of vegetables. What is a safe daily dose of soda?
Q4 - Most of us spend too much time online, often unscheduled and wandering beyond our initial intentions. Who is using who here - are you using social media or are social media algorithms and A/B testing using you? Are you happier after spending four hours on social media?
Q5 - Thinkers read labels to ensure that they are limiting the amounts of hidden added sugars and sweeteners. What are the AHA recommendations for daily max sugar for men, women, and children?
Q6 - There are only two drinks that are natural for mammals. One is water. What do babies drink?
Q7 - To think clearly about a thing it is good to create distance from it. Food fasting has changed my attitudes about what is food and what is a FOOd Like Substance(FOOLS). How much hungrier will you be on the third day of a water fast compared to the first day?
Turning off technology has taught me what a lab rat I have become - reaching for my phone, wanting my phone. When I have put my phone in another room, I have had a phantom limb effect - I think it is in my pocket vibrating. Have you put your phone off, away, and out of sight to do deep work in the last week?