In honor of Coca-Cola’s Birthday and the Coca-Cola Corporation’s contribution to obesity, dementia, and metabolic diseases, the 8th of May is the perfect day to dump out a soda, Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, whatever, just dump them. You need not wait until then, pick a special day to you and make it happen.
While dumping out a soda can be simple it is best to give the where, how, and critically what you say, some thought. What you say can be the mantra that will enable you to never drink soda again.
Where: The best place to dump out a soda is in front of the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. Hopefully, when you dump a soda on the ground in the WOCC park you will not be criminally charged with the release of hazardous material. If you cannot get to Atlanta, dump a soda in a place that allows you to get a good video and still image for social media.
How: While you can just pop one open and pour it out, best to do more. Soda companies have loved to pay athletes and sports teams to promote their unhealthy drinks, so a sports approach is appropriate - hit your can with a bat, throw it against a wall, or give the emptied can a kick. Do not hurt yourself. Big soda has damaged enough Americans. Be extra careful if your Dump Soda Ceremony involves a sledgehammer, gun, or over 20 pounds of Tannerite.
Say: Your mantra to make a break from soda? Our choices come from our feelings. To change our choices we need to think in a way that changes our feelings and makes better choices - Think to change Feelings to change Choices.
When I dumped out a Coke in 2017 I said “You are poison water and should not be put in human bodies.” For a few months after my Dump Soda Day, whenever I saw soda I would look at it and say to myself “poison water.” This switched my feelings and my choices.
Dumping sweet beverages is a simple, massive step towards living a fit life.